Thomas William LeBlanc
Thomas William LeBlanc

Thomas William LeBlanc

Associate Professor of Medicine


I am a medical oncologist, palliative care physician, and patient experience researcher, and serve as Chief Patient Experience and Safety Officer for the Duke Cancer Institute, as well as the Director of Outcomes Research in the Division of Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapy. My clinical practice focuses on the care of patients with hematologic malignancies, with a particular emphasis on myeloid conditions and acute leukemias including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs / MPDs, CML, PV, ET, MF), as well as rarer and related diseases like BPDCN.  

As founding Director of the Duke Cancer Patient Experience Research Program (CPEP), my research investigates common issues faced by people with cancer, including issues of symptom burden, quality of life, psychological distress, prognostic understanding, and treatment decision-making. This work aims to improve patients' experiences living with serious illnesses like blood cancers, including the integration of specialist palliative care services to provide an extra layer of support along with their comprehensive cancer care. More broadly, our team in CPEP conducts various studies of patient experience and outcomes issues in oncology, including retrospective chart review studies, comparative effectiveness work, prospective observational studies and registries, and qualitative research, along with efforts to facilitate the integration of patient-generated health data (PGHD) into routine cancer care processes, such as with electronic patient-reported outcome measures (ePROs) and other mobile health interventions (mHealth). Our team has conducted and participated in several pivotal clinical trials of palliative care integration into cancer care, including among patients with AML, those undergoing stem cell transplantation, and those receiving treatment for advanced lung cancer.

This work has led to recognition as an "Inspirational Leader under 40" by the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), "Fellow" status from the Academy in 2016, the 2018 international "Clinical Impact Award" from the European Association for Palliative Care, and the AAHPM "Early Career Investigator" award in 2020. I served as 2017-18 Chair of the ASCO Ethics Committee, and Chaired the Scientific Review Committee of the NIH/NINR-funded Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group through June 2023 (PCRC; I have served on various national guideline panels for AML and for palliative/supportive care issues in oncology, and was inducted as a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO) in 2021, then served as the Chair of the Education Program of the ASCO 2024 annual meeting. To date I have published over 240 Medline-indexed articles, and several chapters in prominent textbooks of oncology and palliative medicine.


Associate Professor of Medicine in the School of Medicine

2022 School of Medicine

Associate Professor in Population Health Sciences in the School of Medicine

2019 School of Medicine

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

2013 School of Medicine


M.D. 2006

2006 Duke University


2007 Duke University, School of Medicine


2009 Duke University, School of Medicine

Chief Medical Resident

2011 Duke University, School of Medicine


2012 Duke University, School of Medicine


2013 Duke University, School of Medicine

Publications, Grants & Awards

DCI Centers, Cancer Types & Labs

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2424 Erwin Road
Durham, NC
Box 2715, DUMC
Durham, NC