Andrew Armstrong and Daniel George

Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers

The DCI Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers is a multidisciplinary team of physicians and researchers who are leaders in screening, diagnosing, and treating prostate and urologic cancers. The center is a major referral center and specializes in difficult-to-treat prostate cancers. We are also nationally recognized leaders in clinical, translational, and population research in the areas of health disparities, immunotherapy, population sciences, and RNA targets and therapeutics. Our overall goal is to improve survival rates and quality of life in patients with testicular cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, and prostate cancer.

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Michael  Abern, MD; Daniel George, MD; and Andrew Armstrong, MD
Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers leaders Michael  Abern, MD; Daniel George, MD; and Andrew Armstrong, MD

The DCI Prostate & Urologic Cancer Center provides comprehensive care, education, and training, and conducts clinical, translational, and population research. Our team includes urologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, a dedicated genitourinary (GU) radiology group, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, scientists, and pathologists. The Center’s priorities are to:

  • Advanced first-in-human prostate cancer clinical trials
  • Lead studies to better understand the biology of health disparities and the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer
  • Develop new strategies to target the immune system
  • Conduct population studies in prostate cancer screening to further our understanding of the biology and symptom burden of stage 4 disease
  • Cultivate junior faculty and trainees to become the next generation of clinical and research leaders in the field.

At Duke Prostate and Urologic Cancer Center, we’ve put together a team of rising stars and world-renowned physicians specializing in detecting and treating all types of urologic cancers — from rare to common — including complex urologic cancer cases.

Two prostate and urologic center members pose together

Genitourinary Cancer Community Education Event

This annual community event highlights the latest clinical advances in the treatment of prostate and urologic cancers.

Learn more

Prostate and Urologic Cancers

  • Bladder cancer
  • Germ cell testicular cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Mediastinal germ cell cancers
  • Pagets disease of the scrotum
  • Penile cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Stromal tumors of the testis
  • Small cell/Neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate or bladder
  • Teratoma
  • Testicular cancer (seminoma and non-seminoma)
  • Testicular choriocarcinoma
  • Transitional cell cancer
  • Urethral cancer
  • Urachal cancer
  • Urothelial cancer
  • Wilms kidney tumor

Active Surveillance Registry and Clinical Program for Prostate Cancer

We are strong advocates of active surveillance for small, nonaggressive prostate cancer. Our active surveillance registry and clinical program incorporates molecular testing of tumor tissue, prostate MRI, and lifestyle and dietary approaches to identify men who will benefit from treatment and those who can safely defer therapy.  We aim to keep men on active surveillance until treatment is necessary and believe surveillance is a safe and important course for certain men with low-risk prostate cancer. Some men are candidates for watchful waiting. Patients who are not candidates for surgery or radiation are carefully observed until treatment is needed.

Personalized Medicine Approach

We understand that each patient's cancer possesses unique characteristics that can manifest in a variety of behaviors and outcomes. We utilize precision medicine to examine a patient’s urine or blood-based biomarkers, tissue-based biomarkers, and imaging biomarkers. We use this information to optimize and tailor treatment while minimizing risks. Our multi-disciplinary team-based approach includes patient counseling, risk stratification, and therapy based on individual patient’s health conditions, prostate and urologic cancer subtypes, and preferences.

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Donate to Support the Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers

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Visit for more information about prostate cancer treatment.

This page was reviewed on 11/15/2023