Internal Grant Review

The Internal Grant Review aims to:

  • improve the science and presentation quality of externally submitted grants.
  • provide mentoring to trainees including graduate and medical students, postdoctoral associates, residents, fellows, and junior faculty on grant review and grantsmanship.

Grant reviews take place annually in April, September, and December, approximately two months prior to NIH deadlines.

If you would like to take advantage of this service for the September 2024 review, please complete this form with your name, position, title of the grant, mechanism for the grant application (i.e., F31, R01, K01), and three suggested reviewers. To be considered for the 2024 review, please complete the form by July 8, 2024. Contact with any questions.

Repository of Funded Grants

Use these links to access examples of funded grants by Duke trainees.
A huge thank you to those who shared their funded grants! Please respect their generosity and do not distribute these beyond the Duke community. 

Duke Grant Toolkits for Proposal Development

Duke's Office of Campus Research Development has toolkits for NIH F, K, R, and NSF proposals. The toolkits provide guidance and templates for a variety of grant mechanisms. Scroll to the bottom for trainee-relevant applications. 

Duke's myRESEARCHpath has toolkits for NIH K and R proposals. Additional resources include tracking sheets, timeline guidance, and writing tips.  

This page was reviewed on 10/12/2023