David A D'Alessio
Lindquist Presidential Distinguished ChairPositions
Lindquist Presidential Distinguished Chair in the School of Medicine
2024 School of Medicine
Professor of Medicine in the School of Medicine
2015 School of Medicine
Chief, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism in the School of Medicine
2014 School of Medicine
Member of Duke Molecular Physiology Institute in the School of Medicine
2014 School of Medicine
M.D. 1983
1983 University of Wisconsin, Madison
1986 Temple University, School of Medicine
1990 University of Washington, School of Medicine
Publications, Grants & Awards
- Grants (36)
- Academics Articles (319)
- Conference Pages (49)
- Book Sections (2)
Showing 1-5 of 36
Endocrinology and Metabolism Training Program
National Institutes of Health
Alpha- to Beta-Cell Communication in Health and Disease
National Institutes of Health
Gut epithelial control of nutrient reward
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Targeting alpha-cell GPCRs to stimulate glucagon and counter hypoglycemia
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Duke Program of Training in Pulmonary ReSearch to Promote, Engage and Retain Academic Researchers (PROSPER)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
DCI Centers, Cancer Types & Labs
Offices & Contact
300 North Duke Street
Durham, NC
27701 DUMC Box 104775
Durham, NC
Durham, NC
27701 DUMC Box 104775
Durham, NC