Headshot of Heather M. Stapleton
Heather M. Stapleton

Heather M. Stapleton

Ronie-Richele Garcia-Johnson Distinguished Professor


Professor Heather Stapleton is an environmental chemist and exposure scientist in the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University.  Her research interests focus on identification of halogenated and organophosphate chemicals in building materials, furnishings and consumer products, and estimation of human exposure, particularly in vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and children.  Her laboratory utilizes mass spectrometry, including targeted and nontargeted approaches, to characterize chemical burdens in both environmental samples and biological tissues to support environmental health research. Currently she serves as the Director for the Duke Superfund Research Center, and Director of the Duke Environmental Analysis Laboratory, which is part of NIH’s Human Health Environmental Analysis Resource.



Ronie-Richele Garcia-Johnson Distinguished Professor in the Nicholas School of the Environment

2020 Nicholas School of the Environment

Professor in the Nicholas School of the Environment

2020 Nicholas School of the Environment

Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Pratt School of Engineering

2024 Pratt School of Engineering

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

2015 School of Medicine


B.S. 1997

1997 Long Island University, Southhampton College

M.S. 2000

2000 University of Maryland, College Park

Ph.D. 2003

2003 University of Maryland, College Park

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