Joshua Clair Snyder
Joshua Clair Snyder

Joshua Clair Snyder

Associate Professor in Surgery


I am the PI of the Cancer Initiation and Cancer Cell Behavior lab. Our research objective is to determine how cancer cells adapt and grow before cancer is diagnosed. Our lab is also part of the Center for Applied therapeutics where we share our models as tools for preclinical and translational research. To learn more about our research please visit the Cancer Initiation and Cancer Cell Behavior Lab's homepage.


Associate Professor in Surgery in the School of Medicine

2023 School of Medicine

Associate Professor in Pharmacology and Cancer Biology in the School of Medicine

2022 School of Medicine

Associate Professor of Cell Biology in the School of Medicine

2022 School of Medicine

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

2017 School of Medicine


Ph.D. 2009

2009 University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine

Publications, Grants & Awards

Offices & Contact

Msrbi Rm 475A
Durham, NC
203 Research Drive, MSRB1 475A
Durham, NC