Headshot of Laura Jean Havrilesky
Laura Jean Havrilesky

Laura Jean Havrilesky

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology


I am interested in using health economic models to inform decisions related to gynecologic cancers. Specific models have addressed the decision to administer intraperitoneal chemotherapy for newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer following optimal cytoreduction, the choice of chemotherapy regimen for recurrent platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer, and the exploration of screening strategies for ovarian cancer. The ovarian cancer screening model examines the effects of test cost, sensitivity, specificity, and screen frequency on ovarian cancer mortality, the lifetime false positive rate of testing, the positive predictive value of the test, and its cost effectiveness. This type of model is potentially useful in informing the design trials of novel screening tests for ovarian cancer. I am also conducting a prospective study to quantify the effects of screening for, diagnosis of, and treatment for ovarian cancer on the quality of life of women.


Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the School of Medicine

2014 School of Medicine

Professor in Population Health Sciences in the School of Medicine

2019 School of Medicine

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

1995 School of Medicine


M.D. 1995

1995 Duke University

Residency, Obstetrics and Gynecology

1999 Duke University

Gynecology Oncology Fellowship, OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY

2002 Duke University, School of Medicine

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Durham, NC
Box 3079 Med Ctr
Durham, NC