Michael Green
Research ScientistOverview
After a BSc in Psychology and an MA in Social Research at the University of Leeds (UK), I moved to Glasgow, Scotland, where I obtained and completed a competitive, fully-funded doctoral fellowship at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at the University of Glasgow. My PhD research focused on socioeconomic inequalities in smoking, drinking and psychiatric distress over the transition from youth to adulthood.
Experience and Accomplishments
I was at the the Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in Glasgow for over 15 years, where I gained experience with a wide range of UK and US longitudinal population surveys and developed expertise in longitudinal data analysis and causal inference. My research has focused on how inequalities in health and behaviors develop over the life course. I was PI on an ESRC grant looking at the impact of UK smoke-free public places legislation on youth smoking uptake, and have been Co-I on a number of externally-funded projects. After the COVID-19 pandemic started, I became lead analyst for the UK Household Longitudinal Study (Understanding Society) on the UK National Core Studies: Longitudinal Health and Wellbeing programme. This was an initiative to draw together data from the UK's rich range of population-based longitudinal studies, and coordinate analyses answering priority questions about how the pandemic and associated mitigation policies were impacting on inequalities in health.
Current Role
In November 2022 I took up a role as a Research Scientist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Duke University School of Medicine. My research currently focuses on racial inequalities in gynecological healthcare, though I remain interested broadly in causal inference and in understanding how inequalities in health develop over the life course.
Research Scientist in the School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Publications, Grants & Awards
- Academics Articles (64)
Tobacco control
Journal of epidemiology and community health