Michael Rod Zalutsky
Michael Rod Zalutsky

Michael Rod Zalutsky

Jonathan Spicehandler, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Neuro Oncology, in the School of Medicine


The overall objective of our laboratory is the development of novel radioactive compounds for improving the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This work primarily involves radiohalo-genation of biomolecules via site-specific approaches, generally via demetallation reactions. Radionuclides utilized for imaging include I-123, I-124 and F-18, the later two being of particular interest because they can be used for the quantification of biochemical and physiological processes in the living human through positron emission tomography. For therapy, astatine-211 decays by the emission of alpha-particles, a type of radiation considerably more cytotoxic that the beta-particles used in conventional endoradiotherapy. The range of At-211 alpha particles is only a few cell diameters, offering the possibility of extremely focal irradiation of malignant cells while leaving neighboring cells intact. Highlights of recent work include: a)
development of reagents for protein and peptide radioiodination that decrease deiodination in vivo by up to 100-fold, b) demonstration that At-211 labeled monoclonal antibodies are effective in the treatment of a rat model of neoplastic meningitis, c) synthesis of a thymidine analogue labeled with At-211 and the demonstration that this molecule is taken up in cellular DNA with highly cytotoxicity even at levels of only one atom bound per cell and d) development of
radiohalobenzylguanidines which are specifically cytotoxic for human neuroblastoma cells.


Jonathan Spicehandler, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Neuro Oncology, in the School of Medicine in the School of Medicine

2008 School of Medicine

Professor of Radiology in the School of Medicine

2018 School of Medicine

Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the Pratt School of Engineering

2024 Pratt School of Engineering

Professor in Pathology in the School of Medicine

2017 School of Medicine

Professor of Radiation Oncology in the School of Medicine

2009 School of Medicine

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

1985 School of Medicine


M.A. 1972

1972 Washington University in St. Louis

Ph.D. 1974

1974 Washington University in St. Louis

Publications, Grants & Awards

DCI Centers, Cancer Types & Labs

Offices & Contact

311 Research Drive
Durham, NC
Box 3808 Med Ctr
Durham, NC