Headshot of Michael Scott Freemark
Michael Scott Freemark

Michael Scott Freemark

Robert C. Atkins, M.D. and Veronica Atkins Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, in the School of Medicine


The primary objective of my basic research has been to elucidate the roles of placental and fetal hormones in the regulation of maternal metabolism and fetal growth. My work has focused on the lactogenic hormones produced by the pituitary gland and placenta. To that end we used targeted knockout mice to explore the molecular mechanisms by which prolactin and placental lactogen regulate pancreatic beta cell mass and insulin production during pregnancy and postnatal life.

I also have a longstanding clinical research interest in the pathogenesis and treatment of obesity and hyperlipidemia and the prevention of type 2 diabetes. In previous studies we showed that the drug metformin reduces fat stores and blood glucose and insulin levels in obese adolescents and may reduce the risk of progression to diabetes in selected patients. We have also examined the unique metabolic characteristics of Prader Willi syndrome, a genetic obesity disorder.

Finally, my colleagues and I have performed detailed studies of hormone production and intermediary metabolism in malnourished children in Uganda, Bangladesh, Liberia, and Burkina Faso and characterized the effects of concurrent HIV infection on nutritional recovery.  We showed that the adipocyte hormone leptin is a major determinant of morbidity and mortality in children with moderate and severe acute malnutrition. 


Robert C. Atkins, M.D. and Veronica Atkins Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, in the School of Medicine in the School of Medicine

2009 School of Medicine

Professor of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine

2003 School of Medicine

Affiliate, Duke Global Health Institute in the University Institutes and Centers

2008 University Institutes and Centers

Member of Sarah W. Stedman Nutrition and Metabolism Center in the School of Medicine

2007 School of Medicine


B.A. 1972

1972 Brandeis University

M.D. 1976

1976 Duke University

Publications, Grants & Awards

DCI Centers, Cancer Types & Labs

Offices & Contact

Suite 200, Lenox Baker Children's Hospital
Durham, NC
Box 102820 Med Ctr
Durham, NC