Headshot of Nicholas Christian DeVito
Nicholas Christian DeVito

Nicholas Christian DeVito

Assistant Professor of Medicine


I am an Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology who primarily treats patients with colon cancer and gastroesophageal cancers. My laboratory and translational research is focused on tumor immune evasion and immunotherapy, particularly in the setting of metastasis. This work has led to a specific interest in tumor-mediated development of dendritic cell tolerance and suppressive myeloid populations. The ultimate goal of this research is to create biomarker-directed immunotherapies for advanced gastrointestinal cancers.


Assistant Professor of Medicine in the School of Medicine

2023 School of Medicine

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

2018 School of Medicine


M.D. 2012

2012 University of South Florida, College of Medicine

Internal Medicine Internship and Residency

2015 Tufts University, School of Medicine

Hematology-Oncology Fellowship, MEDICINE

2018 Duke University, School of Medicine

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Offices & Contact

308 Research Drive
Durham, NC
DUMC Box 3052
Durham, NC