Patrick Shields Calhoun
Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesOverview
I specialize in the assessment and treatment of the psychological and behavioral sequelae of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) including the use of cognitive-behavioral interventions to reduce PTSD symptoms, aggression, and substance misuse.
Research interests
- The psychological, behavioral, and health consequences of traumatic stress
- Health services research related to PTSD and associated behavioral difficulties
- Identification of innovative health behavior change interventions to reduce smoking, alcohol, and drug misuse
- Implementation Science
- Psychometric assessment and methodology
Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the School of Medicine
2017 School of Medicine
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine
2018 School of Medicine
Ph.D. 1998
1998 Vanderbilt University
Publications, Grants & Awards
- Grants (14)
- Academics Articles (266)
- Conference Pages (3)
- Book Sections (3)
Showing 1-5 of 14
Development of mHealth-Supported Skills Training for Alcohol and Related Suicidality (mSTARS): Emotion Regulation Skills Training to Enhance Acute Psychiatric Care and Recovery
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism
An evaluation of insomnia treatment to reduce cardiovascular risk in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder
National Institutes of Health
Cost Effectiveness of Combined Contingency Management and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder
National Institutes of Health
Impact of Reduced Cannabis Use on Functional Outcomes
National Institutes of Health
Anger Management Training for Fire Fighters: A National Project to Improve Fire Fighter Health
US Department of Homeland Security
Offices & Contact
Box 3625
Durham, NC
27710 Dept of Psychiatry
Durham, NC
Durham, NC
27710 Dept of Psychiatry
Durham, NC