Headshot of Rick Hoyle
Rick Hoyle

Rick Hoyle

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience


Research in my lab concerns the means by which adolescents and emerging adults manage pursuit of their goals through self-regulation. We take a broad view of self-regulation, accounting for the separate and interactive influences of personality, environment (e.g., home, school, neighborhood), cognition and emotion, and social influences on the many facets of goal management. Although we occasionally study these influences in controlled laboratory experiments, our preference is to study the pursuit of longer-term, personally meaningful goals “in the wild.” Much of our work is longitudinal and involves repeated assessments focused on the pursuit of specific goals over time. Some studies span years and involve data collection once or twice per year. Others span weeks and involve intensive repeated assessments, sometimes several times per day. We use these rich data to model the means by which people manage real goals in the course of everyday life.

In conjunction with this work, we spend considerable time and effort on developing and refining means of measuring or observing the many factors at play in self-regulation. In addition to developing self-report measures of self-control and grit and measures of the processes we expect to wax and wane over time in the course of goal pursuit, we are working on unobtrusive approaches to tracking goal pursuit and progress through mobile phones and wearable devices.


Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience in the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

2008 Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Associate Chair of Psychology and Neuroscience in the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

2024 Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Faculty Network Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences in the University Institutes and Centers

2018 University Institutes and Centers

Affiliate of the Center for Child and Family Policy in the Sanford School of Public Policy

2015 Sanford School of Public Policy


B.A. 1983

1983 Appalachian State University

M.A. 1986

1986 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Ph.D. 1988

1988 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

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Durham, NC
Box 90086
Durham, NC