Headshot of Susanna S Hill
Susanna S Hill

Susanna S Hill

Assistant Professor of Surgery


Dr Suzie Hill is a new faculty member with the Section of Surgical Oncology at Duke working in the Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery. She completed her medical school and residency training at Albany Medical in upstate New York, obtained a masters in clinical investigation at the University of Massachusetts, and completed colorectal fellowship training at the University of Minnesota. Her clinical interests include robotic and minimally invasive approaches such as TAMIS for rectal cancer, complex multidisciplinary care of IBD patients, and early onset colorectal cancer. Her research has looked at quality outcomes such as readmission and length of stay using large database models, use of technology and social media in patient care and education, and opioid prescribing. She is also highly interested in surgical education and has authored multiple textbook chapters, given invited lectures on education, as well as mentored numerous medical students and residents.


Assistant Professor of Surgery in the School of Medicine

2024 School of Medicine


B.A. 2008

2008 University of California, Berkeley

M.D. 2015

2015 Albany Medical College

M.S. 2020

2020 University of Massachusetts, Medical School

Mark Kusek Colorectal Research Fellow, SURGERY

2018 University of Massachusetts, Medical School

General Surgery Resident, SURGERY

2020 Albany Medical College

General Surgery Resident, SURGERY

2022 Albany Medical College

Colon and Rectal Surgery Clinical Fellow, SURGERY

2023 University of Minnesota, Medical School

Publications, Grants & Awards

DCI Centers, Cancer Types & Labs