You are invited to Tree of Hope
You are invited to the 34th Annual Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony

2024 Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony



Registration Closed




Duke Cancer Center
20 Duke Medicine Circle
Durham, NC
This event has passed.
McFadden Family at Duke Cancer Center
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivor, Joseph McFadden, pictured with his wife Stephanie, mother-in-law, Suzanne, and children Denver and Emerson in the Duke Cancer Patient Support Program' Garden of Tranquility. Joseph and his family will share their cancer journey at Tree of Hope on December 5.

Honoring and Remembering Those Whose Lives Have Been Touched By Cancer

The Duke Cancer Patient Support Program hosted the 34th Annual Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 5 at the Duke Cancer Center in Durham. 

This cherished Duke Cancer Institute event honors and remembers loved ones, patients, staff, family, and friends whose lives have been touched by cancer. The lights on the tree glow brightly to illuminate HOPE, even in the face of adversity.

This year's featured speakers, the McFadden family, shared their message of hope. 

The full recording will be available on our Tree of Hope site after December 11, 2024.
Luminaries around Duke Cancer Center

Honor A Loved One with a Luminary or Tribute Card

You may purchase luminaries or tribute cards in honor or memory of those you cherish. 

The electric luminaries will remain lit through December 31. You may choose to have your luminaries placed around the Tree of Hope at the Duke Cancer Center or at the Duke Cancer Center Raleigh Garden.