Cure, Comfort, and Collaboration in Oncology Care
Duke Cancer Review provides a case-intensive and comprehensive summary of the most up-to-date research and clinical data presented at ASCO and other standard-setting professional scientific meetings. Each topic is presented by an esteemed Duke expert in the respective field, with an emphasis on the integration of interdisciplinary approaches to cancer treatment, community care perspectives, and strategies for translating advancements into cutting edge and thoughtful patient care.
Duke Cancer Review will provide health care providers an overview of emerging data in the following malignancies:
- Gastrointestinal
- Hematology
- Genitourinary
- Breast
- Thoracic
- Endocrine
Additional content will focus on:
- Stratification of incidental findings on CT
- Integration of palliative care and APP perspectives
For more information, contact Beth Tanner.