The Duke Immune Profiling Core is a Duke School of Medicine Service Center and Duke Cancer Institute (DCI) Shared Resource whose academic home resides in the Department of Surgery.


Our overarching mission, to identify immunologic signatures that predict clinical outcomes, comprises two components.

The first is a service component in which DIPC provides comprehensive, highly standardized, state-of-the-art human immunologic profiling services in support of both intra- and extramural translational research endeavors, including Phase I/II clinical trials.

The second component focuses on discovery and utilizes advanced, high-dimensional Core technologies and resources to stimulate novel translational research initiatives that will impact existing standard medical care.

With over 35 years of experience in flow cytometry and immune profiling, we are available to support a wide range of services, such as small-scale projects for generating pilot data extending through comprehensive clinical trial testing. Additionally, our services extend to chip-based single-cell proteomics and multiplex immunoassays, study planning, performing experiments, data collection, analysis, and presentation support.

Learn more about the Duke Immune Profiling Core.

Immune Profile Leadership and Staff



  • Jennifer Enzor, 919-684-3315
  • Preksha Patel
  • Victoria Little


Surgical Oncology Research Facility
915 South LaSalle Street Ext. Room 120/122/124 Durham, NC 27710